
ProChecks Articles

PAT Testing

Why PAT Testing Is Essential for Workplace Safety

July 22, 2024

PAT testing is the lighthouse in the stormy sea of workplace safety, guiding us to...

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Why Every Building Needs a Thorough Fire Risk Assessment

July 22, 2024

Having conducted numerous fire risk assessments, I’ve come to realize that many people are unaware...

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How Long Is a Fire Risk Assessment Valid for

Fire Risk Assessments: Key to Preventing Fire Emergencies

July 22, 2024

Understanding fire hazards, implementing safety measures, and diligently following a robust fire safety plan are...

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fire risk assesment

Mandatory Electrical Safety Inspections for 2024

July 22, 2024

Navigating the realm of property regulations can often feel like trying to track a chameleon...

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A Guide for Landlords on EICR

A Guide for Landlords on EICR

July 22, 2024

‘As the saying goes, ‘Prevention is better than cure.’ This holds especially true when we’re...

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The Benefits of Regular Fire Risk Assessments for Safety and Compliance

July 15, 2024

As the saying goes, ‘An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.’ When...

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What Does a Gas Safety Certificate Look Like

July 15, 2024

Despite being as old as the hills, the importance of a Gas Safety Certificate remains...

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How EICR Enhances Electrical Safety in Homes and Businesses

How EICR Enhances Electrical Safety in Homes and Businesses

July 15, 2024

Back in the day, ensuring electrical safety was a hit-or-miss affair, but with the evolution...

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Why Your Property Needs an EICR: Key Benefits and Compliance

Why Your Property Needs an EICR: Key Benefits and Compliance

July 15, 2024

As a homeowner, the electrical wiring in my property represents the unseen lifelines that power...

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PAT testing

Why Your Business Needs PAT Testing: Key Benefits and Requirements

July 9, 2024

Have you ever considered the hidden dangers that lurk within the electrical appliances in your...

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Why Do We PAT Test

Why Do We PAT Test?

July 8, 2024

Drawing from the wisdom of Benjamin Franklin, ‘An ounce of prevention is worth a pound...

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How Long Is a Fire Risk Assessment Valid for

How to Get Your FRA Certificate in London

July 8, 2024

Navigating the process of obtaining your FRA Certificate in London is akin to charting a...

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